Friday's Furniture Fix #22

Friday's Furniture Fix #22
Welcome back to another Friday's Furniture Fix! We are so excited to be hosting this great furniture party. Your projects give so much inspiration to so many people. What you do with furniture other people overlook and throw out is amazing!
Thanks so much for linking up with us each week! We so appreciate you. You Are Awesome!

Heather from The Heathered Nest is on fire! She keeps popping up here week after week! This week Heather shared her amazing settee project and it is a stunner. It was the most popular link of the week.

Mindi from My Love To Create made this amazing and totally useful cart from a bunch of inexpensive wooden boxes. This is such a genius project. Who couldn't use more storage?

Marie from The Interior Frugalista gave this little table it's 3rd makeover! This just goes to show, look at a project with new eyes and you just might see even more possibilities.

Vicki from Entri WP painted this little armoire a gorgeous black. Doesn't everything in black just look amazing? It adds so much drama to a space.

A piece of furniture painted in Duck Egg is destined for great things and great spaces. That color can do no wrong. This little table from A Junkchick Life proves that the little tables we all pass by without a thought should be looked at twice. This table could fit in so many places in a home.

Now let's see what you have for us this week! We love that you come back week and after week and link up. It truly means so much to us. We really want to keep this sweet little party going because we all need a little furniture inspiration. Let's party!


  1. Amazing features this week, Lucy. Thanks so much for hosting! Hope you have an awesome weekend. Cynthia

  2. Lucy, thank you so much for featuring my Clock Table! You made my Friday - happy weekend to you ☺

  3. Thanks so much for hosting.

    Vicki and Jenn
    2 Bees in a Pod

  4. Love the features this week. Thank you for hosting!

  5. Hello, Lucy, thanks for hosting this party. I hope you have a great week.
