Friday's Furniture Fix #26

Friday's Furniture Fix #26

Welcome to another week of Friday's Furniture Fix. We are so happy to have you join the party. Okay seriously it was so hard to choose as few features as we did. 
Y'all knocked it out of the ballpark with your projects that you linked up last week!

So for those of you who didn't already hear the exciting news... we have 2 new talented co-hosts who have joined our party! 

And again a reminder that the party will start on Friday mornings at 9AM CST and end on Sunday evenings at 11PM CST.

Please follow on us on the Social Media of your choice... you never know when we may have you in the spotlight!

Here are some of our favourites from last week...
This desk by Q is for Quandie is just stunning in Miss Mustard Seed's "Typewriter" milk paint. Don't you just love the styling with all of the cool vintage props! We do!

This lovely settee by Cindy of Edith and Evelyn caught our eye. The French lines and upholstery treatment using antique grain sacks makes it such a unique piece. We love everything that she does!

This dresser with bird's eye maple drawer fronts was a Craigslist freebie. Gray Table Home worked her magic on what was once a tired and neglected piece. She lovingly restored the maple and we think the paint and wood combination is just perfect!

Lauren from Bless'er House did a fantastic job on  creating this faux planked card catalog coffee table. We love the duck egg color, the hardware and its industrial vibe. And you would never guess that the wood grain top was faux!

Another desk in the spotlight is this one by Candice of Just the Woods. It's a similar shape to the first one featured yet just changing the color of the hardware and layers of color on the piece itself gives it a totally different look and vibe.

The most clicked piece was by Karen of Dragonfly and Lily Pads. She added some fresh paint to her grandmother's vintage enamel table and then sanded back the layers in spots so that the different colors of its history could be seen after hearing her mother tell the story of the colors it had been in its previous lives.

If you like our features, make sure to follow Friday's Furniture Fix on Pinterest.

If you were featured today, please help yourself to our feature button below!

grab button for Friday's Furniture Fix

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Thanks again to all of you who participated in this week's Friday's Furniture Fix!
We can't wait to see what you will have for us this time around.

Party Guidelines:
1. This is a furniture link party. Please only link up if your post has something to do with making a piece of furniture look great.
2. Please share up to 3 furniture makeovers
3. All links must be your original work (no round-ups please)
4. No links to Etsy stores or advertisements
5. Please link up to your original post so other participants can pin your work from your blog.
6. Share the love! Please pin or comment on at least two other links. Pinky swear? We promise, it will make the blog world a better place :)
7. By sharing your work with us, you are giving us permission to feature your work on our blogs and social media.
8. By linking up with us, you are giving permission for us to send you a weekly link-up reminder. You can unsubscribe from this reminder at any time - no hard feelings!
9. Please link back to the party by grabbing a button or placing a text link in your blog post so others can find us too! A link back is required in order to be featured.
10. Please follow your hosts in some way. You can find our social media links above. You never know - we may just tweet or instagram your piece!


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my jardin de fleurs desk! I can see that I am in excellent company with all of your featured items this week. I can't decide which I like best, they are all fab.

  2. Great line up ladies!! Thanks for hosting!!
    Can't wait till next week!
    Maxine :)

  3. Love your blog party and appreciate the effort you put into hosting.

  4. Thank you so much for the party Lucy!!
